Biz Dev for Test & Measurement

A unique offering for T&M suppliers

Whether you are a supplier of T&M services, or an equipment manufacturer we can work with you!

Offering bespoke business development services which will dovetail seamlessly with your existing sales and marketing operations, there are several ways that we can work together:

Technical Representation

If you have a customer to visit or trade show to attend but can’t get your team member there – we can help! Cambridge Test & Measurement can provide our technical expertise and years of experience working with test and measurement equipment to your business on an on-demand basis. Our services are not limited to Technical Sales activities, we can also act as your Applications Engineer – understanding customer issues or technical requirements and feeding them back or undertaking on-site debug.

Bringing Your Product to New Markets

If you are looking for representation in the UK, or you would like to open up new markets in the EU or in India, Cambridge Test & Measurement can help. We can bring your product or service to new customers, drawing on our extensive network of contacts within Test & Measurement. So if there’s a new industry sector you’d like to get into, e.g. Semiconductor or Automotive, or you need to open up new distribution channels, we can either represent you ourselves, or connect you with partners who meet your needs.

To begin a conversation about your specific needs in detail, please email us at: